Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Not eating enough food, often enough.

Skipping breakfast, long breaks in between eating or extreme calorie restriction is not going to help you achieve sustainable weight loss. Instead choose foods that are high in nutrients that will keep your sugar levels from spiking, keep you fuller for longer and your energy levels up. 

Make sure you are eating small meals every 3-4 hours rather than large meals 3 times a day. This will ensure your metabolism is revving at its optimum minus exercise from sun up to sun down. if you "forget" to eat set yourself some alarms. 


 Drinking only when thirsty.

  By the time you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated. Often thirst is mistaken as hunger causing you to consume more calories when you actually need hydrating. 

Drinking water throughout the day helps your metabolism, flushes out toxins, assists in regulating blood sugar and keeps you regular. You should be drinking approximately 3 litres of water a day and even more if you fit in some exercise.


 Not making time to unwind and relax

When someone is stressed their body releases a hormone called cortisol. If your body is working overtime trying to deal with stress it can hinder weight loss.

When a person is under extreme pressure or stress the body releases adrenaline, cortisol and corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) .Initially this gives you energy (like in a flight or flight response) however both adrenaline and CRH are both short lived while cortisol hangs around in the body longer which can make you feel hungrier than normal.

Try to incorporate some deep breathing/meditation and stretching into your day so help stop cortisol having too much influence in your body. Green tea also helps reduce cortisol.

Having one bad day and giving up.

  Fell off the bandwagon for a day? Maybe two? Don’t punish yourself over it. Most of us do it one time or another. The important thing is that you don’t continue the cycle.

 Increase your water intake, get out in the fresh air for some exercise and continue back into healthy eating patterns. Your body will forgive you as long as you right the wrongs of the weekend during the week.

Throwing portion control out the window because the food is “healthy” 

Just because something is healthy doesn’t mean you should consume it like its going out of fashion.

For example the average woman should consume between 100-150g lean protein per meal. This is about the size of your palm NOT your entire hand. A Man should consume between 150-200g protein per meal unless of course you are an athlete of some sort.

 Fruit should be consumed sparingly as too much can spike sugar levels causing you to “crash” Also all the fructose will convert to fat if the body doesn’t use it through exercise.

Vegetables such as celery and cucumber can be eaten to your heart’s content as you burn more calories  with the action of eating them than you actually consume.

Thinking that all need to do is "diet" to  lose the weight.

Well its right to a point, you will lose some weight. But your efforts could come to a full stop.  Combining exercise with a proper nutrition plan allows you to build lean muscle which in turn will assist the body in burning fat. So you will be able to burn fat while sitting! 

This doesn’t mean of course that once you have got to your goal weight that you get to become lazy. Exercising will also potentially make the weight loss faster. Incorporate a mix of cardio and weights for best results. 

And remember not however go by the numbers on the scales. Muscles weigh more than fat so you could end up feeling like you are not making progress. Measure your progress by the fit of your clothes.

Lack of preparation

If you don’t meal plan or prepare meals ahead of time chances are you will grab something convenient-and unhealthy. Even reaching for a takeaway salad can be detrimental as often dressings contain and whole lot of sugar or salt your body doesn’t need.

Try cooking up a few days meals at a time lean meat such as chicken breast. Buy whole veggies and chop up or steam, keep a fruit bowl to grab quick snacks or pre pack in little glad bags a range of unsalted nuts.

 Purchase water tight containers to keep your yogurt snacks in to avoid purchasing the high sugar pre-packaged ones. Low sugar and salt dips such as hummus or  tzatziki  are good to have handy in fridge.

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